Mulch Blowing Services: The Most Frequent Questions We Hear
If you’re new to this method of installing mulch, you probably have some questions. You’re not alone! We find a lot of customers are familiar with manual mulch installation methods but don’t know much about blown mulch. Here are some of the most common questions we hear from customers who are thinking about using blown mulch services for the first time.
#1: How does the mulch blowing process work?
Our mulching professionals have trucks or trailers equipped with powerful blowers. It’s like a paint sprayer, but on a much larger scale. They arrive at your site with the mulch already loaded into the truck; there’s no need to arrange for a bulk mulch delivery in advance. Then, they attach long, flexible hoses to the truck. They use the hoses along with the blower to place the mulch exactly where you want it. And when they’re done, they take any leftover mulch with them, leaving you with a clean parking lot and a beautiful landscaped property. Our customers love the ease and convenience of getting their mulch this way.
#2: Does this mean your big trucks will be driving through my landscaping?
Absolutely not! The hoses are long enough that crews can install mulch more than 300 feet away from the truck. There’s no need for the truck to drive onto the site. The truck stays on the street and off your lawn. If the truck needs to block traffic, it will only be for a short time. All our crews have the traffic control devices and training to meet Virginia regulations.
#3: Will installing mulch this way hurt my plants?
You might have visions of your plants being flattened by mulch spraying like water from a fire hose. In reality, the mulching process is very controlled. Mulch installers can switch hose sizes to control the flow of mulch. They can also control the blower speed on the truck using a remote control. This precision is actually better for your plants than manual mulch methods. Crews can put the right amount of mulch exactly where it needs to go without walking repeatedly through your plants or dumping wheelbarrows full of mulch on them.
#4: Is it expensive?
Mulch blowers can install more mulch in less time with a smaller crew. This allows our partners to deliver great mulch at competitive prices. If you have a large project, you’ll see a huge reduction in labor costs. In addition, the process breaks up any clumps in your bulk mulch and results in less waste. Many customers find their material costs are 20 to 30 percent lower with blown mulch. While manual mulch is still cost effective for small projects, you’ll be surprised how much money you’ll save with blown mulch technology for your project.
#5: How does it look?
Blown mulch has a finished, professional appearance. Like paint applied by a mechanical sprayer, it is evenly and consistently applied. There are no thin spots or thick piles. Plus, there’s no extra work for you to do after the install. Blown mulch doesn’t need to be raked; it’s ready to enjoy right away. We think you’ll love the way your new mulch looks.
#6: Can you install mulch on hillsides and slopes?
The great thing about this method is that it’s easy for our crews to install mulch anywhere. Sites that are too difficult or dangerous to reach using manual methods are no problem for blown mulch. We can even reach courtyards and rooftops with ease. Blown mulch can go lots of places that have been difficult to mulch before.
Do you have more questions? We’ve got answers. Contact us today to get matched with a professional mulch installer in Virginia. We think you’ll love the results.
Categories: Mulch Blowing, Virginia Mulch Installation | Tags: blown mulch, Mulch Blowing, Virgina Mulch, Virginia Mulch Installation